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Interface StandardExportingOptions

The exporting options regarding the mongoexport command.

Most of the properties are exactly the same of the mongoexport options. Some are slightly modified to allow a more confortable usage, without changing what will be passed as a mongoexport option. The default value of the option does not corrispond with the mongoexport one. When there is a value set to false or undefined, it means that the option is not added to the mongoexport command, not that it is the default value of mongoexport.

To support the old versions of mongoexport, there are also the deprecated options.

See the mongoexport official documentation to further information.


https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongoexport/ to further information on the mongoexport options.


  • StandardExportingOptions



Optional fieldFile

fieldFile: undefined | string

An alternative to --fields. The --fieldFile option allows you to specify in a file the field or fields to include in the export and is only valid with the --type option with value csv. The file must have only one field per line, and the line(s) must end with the LF character (0x0A).

Default: undefined

Optional fields

fields: undefined | string | string[]

Specifies a field or fields to include in the export. Use a comma separated list of fields to specify multiple fields. If any of your field names include white space, use quotation marks to enclose the field list. For example, if you wished to export two fields, phone and user number, you would specify --fields "phone,user number". For csv output formats, mongoexport includes only the specified field(s), and the specified field(s) can be a field within a sub-document. For JSON output formats, mongoexport includes only the specified field(s) and the _id field, and if the specified field(s) is a field within a sub-document, the mongoexport includes the sub-document with all its fields, not just the specified field within the document.

You can pass either a string ora an array of strings. The fields are automatically included in quotes to support whitespaces.

Default: undefined

Optional forceTableScan

forceTableScan: undefined | boolean

Forces mongoexport to scan the data store directly instead of traversing the _id field index. Use --forceTableScan to skip the index.

Default: false

Optional jsonArray

jsonArray: undefined | boolean

Modifies the output of mongoexport to write the entire contents of the export as a single JSON array. By default mongoexport writes data using one JSON document for every MongoDB document.

Default: false

Optional jsonFormat

jsonFormat: undefined | "realaxed" | "canonical"

Modifies the output to use either canonical or relaxed mode of the MongoDB Extended JSON (v2) format.

Default: undefined;

Optional limit

limit: undefined | number

Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.

Default: undefined

Optional noHeaderLine

noHeaderLine: undefined | boolean

By default, mongoexport includes the exported field names as the first line in a CSV output. --noHeaderLine directs mongoexport to export the data without the list of field names. --noHeaderLine is only valid with the --type option with value csv.

Default: false

Optional pretty

pretty: undefined | boolean

Outputs documents in a pretty-printed format JSON.

Default: false

Optional query

query: any

Provides a query as a JSON document (enclosed in quotes) to return matching documents in the export. You must enclose the query document in single quotes ('{ ... }') to ensure that it does not interact with your shell environment. Starting in MongoDB 4.2, the query must be in Extended JSON v2 format (either relaxed or canonical/strict mode), including enclosing the field names and operators in quotes.

You can pass the argument either as a string (it will automatically be included in apixes) or as an object.

Default: undefined

Optional quiet

quiet: undefined | boolean

Runs mongoexport in a quiet mode that attempts to limit the amount of output.

Default: false

Optional skip

skip: undefined | number

Use --skip to control where mongoexport begins exporting documents. See skip() for information about the underlying operation.

Default: undefined

Optional sort

sort: any

Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less than 32 megabytes.

You can pass the argument either as a string (it will automatically be included in apixes) or as an object.

Default: undefined

Optional type

type: undefined | "json" | "csv"

Specifies the file type to export. Specify csv for CSV format or json for JSON format. If you specify csv, then you must also use either the --fields or the --fieldFile option to declare the fields to export from the collection.

Default: undefined

Optional verbose

verbose: undefined | number | boolean

Increases the amount of internal reporting returned on standard output or in log files. Increase the verbosity with the -v form by including the option multiple times, (e.g. -vvvvv.)

If the value is true, the option '--verbose' will be added. If it is a number, it will be the number of v that will be put in the command. (e.g. 3 gives -vvv).

Default: false

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